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The Post Doc Pool application round for grants opens
Jyväskylän yliopistosta valmistuneet Crystal Green ja Kreeta Niemi suorittavat osan väitöksen jälkeisistä tutkimuksistaan Yhdysvalloissa, UCLA-yliopistossa Post doc -apurahan turvin. Kuvat: Weldon Green ja Laura Iisalo
Postdoctoral researchers Crystal Green and Kreeta Niemi complete part of their research at the University of California, Los Angeles with grants from Post doc pool. Photos: Weldon Green and Laura Iisalo
The Finnish Foundations’ Post Doc Pool’s (in Finnish Säätiöiden post doc -pooli) autumn application round for grants will be open from 15 August until 15 September 2024. Grants awarded by the Pool are intended for post-doctoral research abroad from Finland. The research period abroad must last at least six months. Results of the application round will be published by December 2024.

The post doc grant may be used to cover all expenses to the researcher and his/her family caused by living abroad. Instructions on how to draft a cost estimate are included in the section "How to Apply?" on the Pool's home page: Online applicant info will be held on Aug 22th at 9-10 AM. 

Säätiöiden post doc -pooli has two application rounds each year and awards some 35 post-doctoral grants in each round. The spring 2025 application round will most likely take place from 1 Jan until 31 Jan 2025. 

The Säätiöiden post doc -pooli consists of thirteen foundations allocating altogether 3.25 million euro annually to the pool. The Pool’s foundations are now Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, Alfred Kordelin Foundation, the Foundation for Economic Education, Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation, the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Finnish Medical Foundation, the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland, the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion, Ulla Tuominen Foundation and Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. The Pool aims to make Finnish research more international by offering young scholars flexible funding from one source that covers all expenses of a research period abroad. 

The Finnish Foundations’ Post Doc Pool was founded in 2009 to support researchers and Finnish research in becoming more international. During this time, the Pool’s foundations have granted over 40 million euros to post doctoral researchers heading abroad from Finland. After twenty-nine application rounds, already over 770 scholars have received funding through the Pool. Over one third of the grants have been awarded for two-year periods. 

Further information about the Pool and the application round is available on the Pool’s website at, and by e-mail from and from co-ordinator Mikko-Olavi Seppälä, tel. + 358 400 868 006.