The Fund provides grants and awards to local people active in the arts, the sciences, and other fields of endeavour and to scientific or artistic work carried out in or covering one or more of the region’s 27 municipalities.
The Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund comprises a General Fund and donation- and bequest-based donor funds. Grants made from the latter are directed towards areas specified by the donor when making his or her bequest. Areas not covered by this procedure are supported from the general funds.
Varsinais-Suomi Grants
The grants of the regional fund January application round are divided into working and expenditure grants. In addition to these, grants will be awarded for special purposes.
The Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund supports scientific studies, artistic work, and other cultural activities taking place in or focused on the region. The Fund will award a total of 1,410,000 euros from the general fund and the different donor funds in the 2024 January round of applications. In the evaluation of projects, it is considered an advantage if the project, by means of science or art, boosts general confidence in factual knowledge and promotes good interaction in the society.
At least one full-year working grant, the total amount of which is 30,000 euros, will be awarded in visual arts. There is also a minimum amount of 20 000 euros reserved for children’s culture.

January application round
Discover Science
We will award one million euros to science education for children and youth in the January 2025 application round. The Discover Science Grant aims to spark the curiosity of school-aged children and youth to engage with science and ensure equal access to science education regardless of their place of residence or background.
Donor Funds
The grants are awarded from a general fund and those donor funds open for application in the next round:
- Laina and Aarne Alitalo Fund
- Terttu Enckell Fund
- Mandi Eskola Fund
- Hilkka and Helvi Heinonen Fund
- Huhtamäki Oyj Fund
- Astrid Joutsenon Fund
- Viivi and Niilo Kallio Fund
- Annikki and Kalevi Koponen Fund
- Fund for Children
- Länsivoima Oyj Fund
- Evi Lönnfors Fund
- Perttelin Aaltosten Fund
- Urho Snellman Fund
- Turun Sanomat Fund
- Hertta and Veikko Valtonen Fund
- Varma and Vilho Varkko Fund
- Lyyli and Kalle Vihanto Fund
- Sauli Viikari Fund
- Yrjö Väisälä Fund

The municipalities in the Varsinais-Suomi Fund's region
Aura, Kaarina, Kemiönsaari, Koski TI, Kustavi, Laitila, Lieto, Loimaa, Marttila, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali, Nousiainen, Oripää, Paimio, Parainen, Pyhäranta, Pöytyä, Raisio, Rusko, Salo, Sauvo, Somero, Taivassalo, Turku, Uusikaupunki and Vehmaa.
The municipalities in the Varsinais-Suomi Fund's region
Aura, Kaarina, Kemiönsaari, Koski TI, Kustavi, Laitila, Lieto, Loimaa, Marttila, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali, Nousiainen, Oripää, Paimio, Parainen, Pyhäranta, Pöytyä, Raisio, Rusko, Salo, Sauvo, Somero, Taivassalo, Turku, Uusikaupunki and Vehmaa.

The administrative committee
Grants made by the Fund are decided by an Administrative Council representing a wide range of expertise and knowledge in the arts, the sciences, society, and business in the region.

Jarna Heinonen, Professor
Vice Chair
Petriina Paturi, Professor
Mari Agge, Lighting Designer
Anne Heimo, Professor
Jussi Kauranen, Principal
Antti Korhonen, Manager
Riina Kotilainen, Intendant
Anne Laitinen, Planning Editor
Anu Littunen, Director of Finance and Administration
Asko Virtanen, Editor in chief
Kirsi Virtanen, Associate Professor
More information about Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund
Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund
Henrikinkatu 10
20500 Turku
Timo Vuorisalo

Anniina Majanlahti-Binaku
Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Mobility grants, Residency Programme