The Fund supports activities focused on subjects of a regional nature or coordinated by people from the region. Grants are awarded for work in the arts and arts-related projects and events. Projects promoting regional culture and carried out by either private individuals or associations, are also supported. The Fund does not support scientific research.
Uusimaa Regional Fund will not award grants in 2025
The nationwide Discover Science grant is available also in the Uusimaa region in January Round 2025, but otherwise the next application round for the Uusimaa Fund will be in January 2026.
In Uusimaa, the number of applicants is very high compared to the amount of euros to be distributed. If grants were awarded every year, too many good applicants would be left without funding, and a lot of work would be wasted, both by applicants and evaluators. If grants are awarded every two years, the amount awarded will double, although the number of applicants will remain almost the same.
In years when the Uusimaa Fund does not award grants, applicants can apply for a grant in the October round, or from another regional fund in the January round, provided they meet the criteria.
The Uusimaa Regional Fund comprises a General Fund and donation- and bequest-based donor funds. Grants made from the latter are directed towards areas specified by the donor when making his or her bequest. Areas not covered by this procedure are supported from the general funds.
The Fund’s activities and decision-making are impartial and not linked to political parties or other organisations or associations. Grants made by the Fund are decided by an Administrative Council representing a wide range of expertise and knowledge in the arts, the sciences, society, and business in the region.

January application round
Discover Science
We will award one million euros to science education for children and youth in the January 2025 application round. The Discover Science Grant aims to spark the curiosity of school-aged children and youth to engage with science and ensure equal access to science education regardless of their place of residence or background.

The municipalities in the Uusimaa Fund's region
Askola, Espoo, Hanko, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, Inkoo, Järvenpää, Karkkila, Kauniainen, Kerava, Kirkkonummi, Lapinjärvi, Lohja, Loviisa, Myrskylä, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen, Porvoo, Pukkila, Raasepori, Sipoo, Siuntio, Tuusula, Vantaa and Vihti.
The municipalities in the Uusimaa Fund's region
Askola, Espoo, Hanko, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, Inkoo, Järvenpää, Karkkila, Kauniainen, Kerava, Kirkkonummi, Lapinjärvi, Lohja, Loviisa, Myrskylä, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen, Porvoo, Pukkila, Raasepori, Sipoo, Siuntio, Tuusula, Vantaa and Vihti.

The administrative committee

Sanna Nyqvist, Docent
Vice Chair
Laura Rämä, M.A (Theatre and Drama), actress
Jari Eskola, Director
Hanna Johansson, Professor
Kalle Kinnunen, Journalist, author
Sanna Myllylahti, Lecturer
Hanne Selkokari, Dr, art historian
Tuomas Siitonen, Architect
Sauli Sirviö, Visual Artist
Mika Virkkala, Regional Director
Contact information about Uusimaa Regional Fund
Uusimaa Regional Fund
Bulevardi 5 A, 5. krs
00120 Helsinki
Päivi Venäläinen
Senior Advisor, Manager
Kymenlaakso, Uusimaa

Anniina Majanlahti-Binaku
Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Mobility grants, Residency Programme