MORPHO, Antwerpen
MORPHO provides studios and runs an artist residency for Belgian-based and international artists.

You may apply for:
- a working grant for five months for a visual artist
- working period: August 1st to December 31st
- the working grant amounts to €13,500 per five-month residency
- the amount of travel grant depends on the selected means of travel; see further information from the application guidelines.
- MORPHO webpage
As an artist residency, MORPHO organises different types of residencies focusing on local development and international exchange. Residents receive practical and curatorial support to develop their practice or project in an open environment that encourages critical dialogue and artistic experimentation.
The residency programme is designed to inspire connections and exchanges that support artists in the development of their practice. It is composed by the artistic director and coordinator, based on their insights into the scene and informed by conversations with each resident.
A residency includes the use of an individual studio, as well as housing in the residency house (common spaces include kitchen, living room, dining room, courtyard, basement and library).