Four Applications Rounds
The annual grant cycle comprises of the regional funds' January round of applications, and the Central Fund's March, August, and October rounds of applications.
Applications are submitted to the Cultural Foundation through the Online Application Service within the application periods. The opening and closing dates of application periods can be found on the main pages of each application round. The Online Application Service closes at 4 pm Finnish time (Eastern European Time) on the last day of each application period.
The grants open for application are detailed on the main pages of each application round. The grants will be confirmed before each application period.
In addition to the above application rounds, the Cultural Foundation actively supports science and art through other organisations as well. Grants open for application through our associates are introduced here.
Application Guidelines
It is advisable to become acquainted both with the Application Guidelines for Grants and with the guidelines for special purpose grants, which are linked on the main page of each application round.
Guidelines for Referees
References related to grant applications must be submitted before the application deadline to the Online Reference Service. The application period ends on the last application day at 4 pm Finnish time (Eastern European Time). Please find the guidelines for referees here.
Guidelines for Grantees
The Guidelines for grantees contain a lot of useful information regarding the use of the grant and the obligations related to the grant. It is advisable to become acquainted with the guidelines already at the application stage to grasp the overall picture.
Multi-year Grants
The grantee of a 2-, 3- or 4-year personal working grant received in October or January application round must submit a separate continuation application for the following years in the Online Application Service. More detailed information about multi-year grants and the continuation application can be found here.
For enquiries, the Foundation can be contacted by telephone (+358 9 612 810, switch) between 9 am and 3 pm on weekdays or by email at Any enquiries regarding the January round of applications should be directed to the regional funds. Technical enquiries concerning the use of online services may be sent by email at
The Finnish Cultural Foundation is committed to the Guidelines for Responsible Conduct of Research and for Handling Allegations of Misconduct (the RCR Guidelines) of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.
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