The South Karelia Regional Fund provides grants and awards to local people active in the arts, the sciences, and other fields of endeavour and to scientific or artistic work carried out in or covering one or more of the region’s municipalities.
The South Karelia Regional Fund comprises a General Fund and donation- and bequest-based donor funds. Grants made from the latter are directed towards areas specified by the donor when making his or her bequest. Areas not covered by this procedure are supported from the general funds.
South Karelia Grants
The grants of the regional fund January application round are divided into working and expenditure grants. In addition to these, grants will be awarded for special purposes.
Applicants born in the region are given priority when awarding grants, as is scientific or artistic work carried out in or covering the region, together with major regional cultural projects.

January application round
Discover Science
We will award one million euros to science education for children and youth in the January 2025 application round. The Discover Science Grant aims to spark the curiosity of school-aged children and youth to engage with science and ensure equal access to science education regardless of their place of residence or background.
Donor Funds
The grants are awarded from a general fund and those donor funds open for application in the next round:
- South-Karelia Regional Council Fund
- Lahja and Lauri Hotinen Fund
- Aliisa Pitkänen Fund
- Aino and Ester Sinko Fund
- Aune and Urho Uimonen Fund
- Helvi Viren Fund

The municipalities in the South Karelia Fund's region
Imatra, Lappeenranta, Lemi, Luumäki, Parikkala, Rautjärvi, Ruokolahti, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari
The municipalities in the South Karelia Fund's region
Imatra, Lappeenranta, Lemi, Luumäki, Parikkala, Rautjärvi, Ruokolahti, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari

The administrative committee

Karl-Erik Michelsen, Professor
Vice Chair
Mona Taipale, RDI Specialist, M.A., M.B.A.
Reetta Ahonen, Artist
Ari Jantunen, Professor
Pasi Luukka, Professor
Ari Nakari, Photographer
Antti Niskanen, Association Director
Anneli Pirttilä, D.Sc. (Tech), B.A
Timo Rissanen, Theater Director
Markus Sarantola, D.M.A.
Contact information about South Karelian Regional Fund
South Karelian Regional Fund
Kauppalankatu 2 A 1
45100 Kouvola
Päivikki Eskelinen-Rönkä
Senior Advisor, Manager
South Karelia, South Savo, January Round: Discover Science Grant

Anu Toivonen
Kymenlaakso, South Karelia, South Savo