Hämeen maakuntakartta


The Häme Regional Fund was founded in 1960 and is one of the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s 17 regional funds.

Hämeen maakuntakartta

The Häme Regional Fund comprises a General Fund and donation- and bequest-based donor funds. Grants made from the latter are directed towards areas specified by the donor when making his or her bequest. Areas not covered by this procedure are supported from the general funds.

The Fund is devoted to promoting and developing the arts, the sciences, and other fields of endeavour in the region – by providing annual grants and awards.

The Fund’s activities and decision-making are impartial and not linked to political parties or other organisations or associations. Grants made by the Fund are decided by an Administrative Council representing a wide range of expertise and knowledge in the arts, the sciences, society, and business in the region.

Häme Grants

The grants of the regional fund January application round are divided into working and expenditure grants. In addition to these, grants will be awarded for special purposes.

Please ensure that your work is specifically located in the region of the Häme Regional Fund and not, for example, the region of Päijät-Häme. You can find a list of municipalities belonging to Häme Regional fund below.

Applicants born or residing in the region are given priority when making grant decisions, as is scientific or artistic work carried out in or covering the region and cultural projects of regional significance.

January application round

Discover Science

We will award one million euros to science education for children and youth in the January 2025 application round. The Discover Science Grant aims to spark the curiosity of school-aged children and youth to engage with science and ensure equal access to science education regardless of their place of residence or background.

Donor Funds

The grants are awarded from a general fund and those donor funds open for application in the next round:

  • Martti Alikari Fund
  • Annikki and Heikki S. Heikkilä Fund
  • Ulla Heikkilä Fund
  • Tapio and Maire Järvinen Fund
  • Väinö and Hilkka Kiltti Fund
  • Tyyne and Lauri Peltonen Fund
  • Heikki and Terttu Westerlund Fund

The municipalities in the Häme Central Fund's region

Forssa, Hattula, Hausjärvi, Humppila, Hämeenlinna, Janakkala, Jokioinen, Loppi, Riihimäki, Tammela and Ypäjä.

The municipalities in the Häme Central Fund's region

Forssa, Hattula, Hausjärvi, Humppila, Hämeenlinna, Janakkala, Jokioinen, Loppi, Riihimäki, Tammela and Ypäjä.

The administrative committee 

Ihmisiä vihreässä huoneessa istumassa sohvalla ja seisomassa sohvan takana. Kaikki katsovat kameraan.
Members of the Häme Fund’s Administrative Council in spring 2023. Photo: Heikki Löflund


Noora Herranen, Executive director

Vice Chair

Maria Laine, Head of Collection

Tuomo Iltanen, Principal
Hillevi Kaarlenkaski, Executive director
Juhana Lassila, Deputy CEO
Sanna Niemi, Master of Arts
Arto Turunen, MD, PhD = Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy
Maria Vanha-Similä, Doctor of Philosophy
Erkki Vasara, M.Sc.

Contact information about Häme Regional Fund

Häme Regional Fund
Birger Jaarlin katu 3 B 32
13100 Hämeenlinna


Taija Tuominen



Call: Taija Tuominen +358 50 430 1159

Iida Honkanen


Association, Häme and Satakunta Regionald Funds

Call: Iida Honkanen +358 9 6128 1227

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