The Pirkanmaa Regional Fund comprises a General Fund and bequest- and donation-based donor funds. Grants made from the latter are directed towards areas specified by the donor when they made their bequest. Areas not covered by this procedure are supported from the general funds.
The Fund’s activities and decision-making are impartial and not linked to political parties or other organisations or associations. Grants made by the Fund are decided by an Administrative Council that reflects a wide range of expertise and knowledge in the arts, the sciences, society, and business in the region.
Pirkanmaa Grants
The grants of the regional fund January application round are divided into working and expenditure grants. In addition to these, grants will be awarded for special purposes.
The Fund supports insightful and high-quality undertakings, rising and innovative talents, fields and events marginalised in different ways, and local culture.

January application round
Discover Science
We will award one million euros to science education for children and youth in the January 2025 application round. The Discover Science Grant aims to spark the curiosity of school-aged children and youth to engage with science and ensure equal access to science education regardless of their place of residence or background.
Donor Funds
The grants are awarded from a general fund and those donor funds open for application in the next round:
- Aamulehti 100 Anniversary Fund
- Matti and Helvi Heikkilä Fund
- Yrjö and Marjatta Juhari Fund
- Aune and Kalle Kaihari Fund
- Ritva and Veikko Lapinleimu Fund
- Leena Lindfors-Saraste Fund
- Aili Luukkonen Fund
- Marjatta Melkas-Rusanen and Anneli Melkas Fund
- Irmeli Näsänen Fund
- Elli and Elvi Oksanen Fund
- Linnea Pirilä Fund
- Aino Sipilä Fund
- Lea ja Pekka Suoranta Fund
- Aino Valvaala Fund
- Anja Virta Fund
- In addition, Norma Sokka grants for the visual arts will be awarded this year.

The municipalities in the Pirkanmaa Fund's region
Akaa, Hämeenkyrö, Ikaalinen, Juupajoki, Kangasala, Kihniö, Kuhmoinen, Lempäälä, Mänttä-Vilppula, Nokia, Orivesi, Parkano, Pirkkala, Punkalaidun, Pälkäne, Ruovesi, Sastamala, Tampere, Urjala, Valkeakoski, Vesilahti, Virrat and Ylöjärvi.
The municipalities in the Pirkanmaa Fund's region
Akaa, Hämeenkyrö, Ikaalinen, Juupajoki, Kangasala, Kihniö, Kuhmoinen, Lempäälä, Mänttä-Vilppula, Nokia, Orivesi, Parkano, Pirkkala, Punkalaidun, Pälkäne, Ruovesi, Sastamala, Tampere, Urjala, Valkeakoski, Vesilahti, Virrat and Ylöjärvi.

The administrative committee

Helena Hiilivirta, Orchestra Managing Director, retired
Vice Chair
Matti Posio, Editor
Terhi Asumaniemi, Executive Director
Mervi Kaukko, Professor
Leena Kostiainen, Principle
Anu Littunen, Director of Finance and Administration
Timo Mäki-Ullakko, Finnish honorary title of Kauppaneuvos (Business), Master of Science in Economics
Panu Raipia, Theater Manager
Pauli Sivonen, Director
Raisa Toivo, Professor
Tapio Visakorpi, Vice President for Research
Contact information about Pirkanmaa Regional Fund
Pirkanmaa Regional Fund
Mastontie 6
33470 Ylöjärvi
Silja Minkkinen-Poikolainen
Pirkanmaa, South Ostrobothnia

Kati Vastamäki