Finnish Cultural Foundation awarded record 25 million in grants

The Finnish Cultural Foundation awarded a record 25 million euros in grants at its Annual Gala on 27 February. The number of applications for science grants increased, whereas the number of applications decreased in the arts.  A total of 12% of all applicants received grants. The awards for outstanding cultural achievements went to Hanna Kokko, professor in evolutionary ecology, rap artist Karri “Paleface” Miettinen and Jaakko Nousiainen, professor emeritus in political science.  

The Finnish Cultural Foundation is providing a large number of grants this year to support reading in Finland.  According to PIRLS and PISA surveys, differences in reading skills among Finnish children and young people are increasing.  There are children and young people in our country that have difficulty managing their daily lives because of poor reading skills. The Niilo Mäki Foundation was granted 100,000 euros for a project promoting reading skills in Finland, while the Finnish Reading Centre received 50,000 euros for the project Suomi 100 – Suuri lukuseikkailu (Finland 100 – a great reading adventure). The Finnish Centre for Easy to Read also received 100,000 euros for promoting easy-to-read literature.

This year, some of the biggest grants went to projects involving humanistic research. The largest single grant was awarded to professor Anna Mauranen and her working group for research on linguistic segmenting. They received 250,000 euros for the period 2016 – 2018.  They will combine linguistics and neurological research, two branches of science that have little in common, and examine how we understand a continuous flow of speech.  Hanne Appelqvist, Ph.D., and her working group received 200,000 euros for research on the knowledge-related meaning of aesthetics for the period 2016 – 2018. In addition to researchers in philosophy and aesthetics, the project results are also intended for an audience with a broader interest in the value of arts and its role in society at large.  

The largest arts grants went to the Foundation for the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York, which received 100,000 euros for a residency for Finnish visual artists, and the TNL-Association for Amateur and Professional Theatres in Finland, which also received 100,000 euros for the Nuori Näyttämö (Young stage) project 2016 – 2018. The Finnish Cultural Foundation also provided a grant of 100,000 euros for the Tekniikan maa (Land of technology) exhibition curated by the Museum of Technology Foundation. The exhibition will open in 2017, the centenary year of Finland’s independence.  

Grants were awarded to a total of 1,064 individuals, working groups and organisations. The number of applications for arts grants decreased by 500, whereas the number of applications for science grants increased by 100. The sum provided in grants was two million euros higher than in 2015, which was reflected in the application approval rate: in both arts and science, 12% of all applications were approved (compared with 11% in the previous year). The average size of the grants also increased: In science it was 22,700 euros (21,900) and 16,600 euros (15,700) in the arts.  A total of 54% of grants went to science (50% in the previous year) and 46% to the arts (50%). Most of the funding went to artistic work (33%), followed by doctoral dissertations (28%). The proportion of post doctoral research increased, amounting to 14% of the total sum. A total of 56% of the grantees were women, which was slightly less than in 2015 (59%). Foreigners accounted for 10% of the grantees, compared with 8% in the previous year.

In addition to the grants awarded at the Annual Gala, the Central Fund also makes funding available through the Finnish Foundations’ Post Doc Pool and the Post Docs in Companies programme.  This means that the grants provided by the Central Fund this year will total 25 million euros (compared with 23 million in 2015).  The Regional Funds will also distribute an additional 11.5 million euros at their own annual galas in the spring.   

Awards for outstanding cultural achievements (30,000 euros each)

Hanna Kokko, professor in evolutionary ecology

Professor Hanna Kokko (b. 1971) specialises in theoretical ecology and evolutionary biology.  She took her matriculation examination in the German School in Helsinki in 1990 and graduated as a Master of Science (tech.) from the Helsinki University of Technology. She continued her studies at the University of Helsinki, writing her doctoral dissertation on the evolution of sexual choice and courtship in 1997.  

Hanna Kokko is truly cosmopolitan scientist. In 1998 she moved to Britain, working first as a post doc researcher at the University of Cambridge and then at the University of Glasgow.  In 2002 Kokko returned to Finland to work as a senior assistant at the University of Jyväskylä. She held the post until 2004, when she was appointed professor of animal ecology at the University of Helsinki.  She moved to Australia in 2010 after her appointment as an Australian Laureate Fellow, considered to be the country’s most distinguished scientific post.  Four years later, Kokko returned to Europe, taking up the post of a professor in evolutionary biology at the University of Zurich.

Kokko has published more than 200 scientific articles, books and works that are also intended for the public at large.  The book Kutistuva turska (Shrinking cod), written by Hanna Kokko and Katja Bargum in a lucid and informative style, received the State Award for Public Information in 2009.  The articles and publications of Kokko are frequently cited and she often appears as a speaker at events around the world. This is because she is able to present complex mathematical formulas in a manner that all audiences can understand.  

Hanna Kokko studies the interactive relationships between individuals and groups.  She is particularly interested in situations in which the good of the individual is in conflict with the good of the population, species or a community.  In economics, this is called the tragedy of the commons, but it also affects nearly all interactive biological relationships at cellular level and in communities alike.  In recent years, Hanna Kokko has studied phenomena such as cancer from this perspective.  Hanna Kokko emphasises that we can only save our planet by preserving the diversity of species and by ensuring the existence of differences in nature.  

The award goes to the researcher of courtship and evolution and the defender of the diversity of life.

Rap artist Karri Miettinen alias Paleface

Karri Miettinen (b. 1978), better known by his artistic name “Paleface”, is a Finnish rap artist who began his musical career in English.  His debut album The Pale Ontologist (2001) is a milestone in Finnish hip-hop and was also noted in other countries.  The two English-language albums that followed also won acclaim.

In 2010, Paleface released Helsinki-Shangri-La, his first album in Finnish. In the title piece at the start of the album, Paleface takes an unsparing look at present-day Finland, highlighting such themes as the country’s gun laws, the demolition of old buildings, quick loans, celebrity culture and the intoxicant policy.  On Maan tapa (The way things are done here; 2012) and Luova tuho (Creative destruction; 2014), Paleface continued his in-depth analysis of our contemporary culture.  In many of his songs, Paleface gives prominence to people whose voices are rarely heard: the young, the poor, refugees and those hit by crises of everyday life.  He does not ignore the perspective of power either and this dual exposure means that there is palpable tension in many of his songs.  Paleface combines insight with smart lyrics and sharp sense of humour.

In addition to his own albums Paleface has also been involved in a number of music projects, such as the Ricky-Tick Big Band & Julkinen Sana ensemble, which has released two albums combining traditional swinging jazz with linguistically spirited rap.

Paleface is the modern-day equivalent of 19th century folk poets. The popular and linguistically creative poetry of today is not published in writing but released and heard in rap form. In addition to creating music, Paleface has also been an active proponent of human rights in the media, at different events and in human rights organisations.  

The award is given for creating modern-day folk poetry and for social insight.

Professor emeritus Jaakko Nousiainen

Jaakko Nousiainen (b. 1931), professor emeritus in general political science and expert on Finland’s political system and parliamentary government, has left his mark on the evolution of the Finnish constitution during a period of more than five decades.  

Jaakko Nousiainen received his doctoral degree at the University of Helsinki in 1959.  In his dissertation, he analysed the support of communism in the province of Kuopio.  In 1963, Nousiainen was appointed as the first professor in general political science at the University of Turku. He held the post for thirty years, until 1993.  As professor, Nousiainen established the Turku school, which concentrated on the research on political institutions.  Nousiainen’s book Suomen poliittinen järjestelmä (Finnish Political System), which was first published in 1959, served as the “bible” of the school. Since its publication, the book has been used as a standard textbook at all Finnish universities. The English translation, published by Harvard University Press, appeared in 1971. Nousiainen’s aim was to provide an up-to-date, systematic and realistic description of Finland’s political system. The book is now in its tenth edition and it remains the most comprehensive overall presentation of the subject.
Nousiainen has published a large number of studies of the pillars of the Finnish political life: elections, political institutions, parliamentary system and presidential power.

After years of preparatory work, a unified Finnish constitution entered into force in March 2000.  Jaakko Nousiainen played a central role in the committees preparing the new constitution and he   has made an important contribution to the reforming of Finland’s parliamentary system.

The award is given to the father of the Finnish constitution and for promoting the parliamentary system of government.  

The Whisper of the Aurora

It is as if a woman is whispering “OK” amidst the noise. Unto K. Laine, professor of acoustics at Aalto University, is playing a recording made in North Karelia during a display of the Aurora Borealis.

It is as if a woman is whispering “OK” amidst the noise.

According to Laine, the sounds produced by the Northern Lights may also recall a waterfall, crackling or banging. For centuries, people around the world have told stories of the sounds, but many scientists remain sceptical.

– As recently as fifteen years ago, such stories were dismissed as products of the imagination, Laine explains. He decided to look into the subject. After spending hundreds of nights making recordings, Laine is probably the only person in the world to document the sounds of the Aurora Borealis.

For centuries, people around the world have told stories of the sounds, but many scientists remain sceptical.

Laine is the first acoustics expert to study the phenomenon, and he believes that this has been crucial to his success. He has built much of the equipment himself, and he needs hypersensitive microphones. Laine uses three microphones so that he can determine the direction accurately.  The site must be open and very quiet.

– Picking the sounds is like hitting the jackpot. It must be dead calm and not too humid, and there must be a real show going on in the sky.

Laine started studying the phenomenon in the year 2000, and his first successful recording followed shortly after that. In April that year, one of his students phoned and asked him to look out of the window.

– There was a fantastic light show going on. There was no time to waste, says Laine, recalling the situation.

He grabbed his recording equipment and soon found himself standing in the freezing cold and listening to the crackle with a cheap microphone.

– That prompted me to buy better equipment.

For centuries, people around the world have told stories of the sounds, but many scientists remain sceptical.

How can the sounds of the Aurora Borealis still be a source of controversy? Laine, too, is puzzled by this.

– The Northern Lights have inspired fear all around the world, and this may still be the case.

The fact that the sounds have been dismissed as imaginary is one reason why Laine started studying the subject. Many people have been reluctant to talk about the sounds that they have heard because they are afraid of being branded as crazy.

– I have read stories of people that had heard these sounds and experienced an ethical awakening. I thought that maybe these people are right and have simply been unfairly derided. I felt that I had to take a closer look at the subject.

The physical origin of the phenomenon remains a mystery.

Laine believes that as the aurora is moving, the electromagnetic field also changes and triggers off a phenomenon that creates sounds at altitudes of less than 100 metres.

Laine is now planning to make new recordings, and he is checking the old ones. He hopes that one day computers will be able to pick the right sounds automatically from the recordings. Ultimately, findings by independent research groups are also needed as the final proof.

However, Laine has already convinced many of his colleagues. In summer 2014, a research team from Northern Ireland studying meteorite sounds contacted Laine and expressed its willingness to cooperate on the subject. As meteors burn up at an altitude of 20 kilometres, the sounds produced by them should not be audible. However, meteor sounds have been recorded and they may originate in the same manner as the sounds produced by the Northern Lights.

Text: Jenni Heikkinen
Photos by Janne Kommonen and Harri Tahvanainen

Art² – a new grant for large-scale arts projects

The purpose of the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Art² grant is to encourage broad-based projects providing new perspectives on artistic production that strengthen the quality of arts and attract wider audiences for different forms of art. Actors in all artistic fields can apply for the grant and it can also be provided for projects combining different sectors.

The purpose of the grant is to ensure that the parties concerned can plan and prepare their projects thoroughly and involve a wide range of different parties in the implementation process. There may be new models for cooperation between independent artists and established institutions in Finland and other countries, improved versions of existing productions and tours attracting wider audiences. The aim is also to make artistic productions more accessible to wider audiences and renew production structures.

A maximum of five recipients will receive Art² grants in 2016. The Finnish Cultural Foundation will provide between EUR 100,000 and 200,000 for one project for a maximum of three years. The grant may be used to cover the extra pay and other costs arising from the new cooperation, long-term preparations or such cost items as mobility.

Applications for the Art² grant may be submitted by registered arts associations, foundations and public arts institutions. If necessary, they can submit joint applications or join forces with independent actors. The grant is not available to private individuals or working groups acting on their own.

The first Art² grants will become available for application on 15 February and the application period will close on 11 March 2016. The projects receiving funding will be announced in August 2016.

More information here.


Applications for Regional Funds’ grants can be submitted between 10 January and 10 February 2016

The grants awarded by the 17 Regional Funds of the Finnish Cultural Foundation become available for application on 10 January 2016. The Regional Funds support cultural work in their own regions by providing grants and giving awards. In 2016, the Regional Funds will award a total of EUR 11.5 million in grants.

Regional Funds support artistic work and projects, while science grants are primarily intended for dissertations and post-doctoral research. Organisations can apply for grants to carry out cultural projects.  Priority is given to applicants born or residing in the region, work carried out in the region, work relevant to the region and cultural projects that are particularly important to the region.

Each Regional Fund will award at least EUR 40,000 for regional spearhead projects as a single grant or as two grants and at least EUR 20,000 for cultural activities for children and young people. As a rule, the smallest grants amount to EUR 2,000. However, study grants may be smaller. The Regional Funds also have their own priorities, such as projects strengthening regional vitality and identity, community spirit and cultural activities for children and young people.

The applications for grants must be submitted electronically in accordance with the application instructions. The names of the grant recipients will be announced at the annual galas of the Regional Funds in spring. 

Only the applications that have been submitted to the Regional Funds through the electronic grant application system and as signed printouts are considered. The information content of the electronic application and the printout must be identical. The printout must be mailed to the Regional Fund and be postmarked no later than the last application date. The applications sent from abroad must arrive at the Regional Fund no later than the last day of the application period.

For more information about the grants and grant applications:

For more information about Regional Funds: