The application period for Finnish Cultural Foundation grants 2018 has started


Grants of the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Central Fund for 2018 are open for application in October. The Central Fund will award a total of 26 million euros, a million euros more than last year.

The application period for Central Fund grants is from 1 to 31 October 2017. Applications must be submitted at the Online Application Service  by 31 October 4 p.m.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation grants are awarded to individual applicants, working groups and communities to promote Finnish culture. Research grants are intended for doctoral studies and post-doctoral research in all areas.  In arts, grants are provided for work and a broad range of different projects, and special grants are also available under a scheme aiming to improve the quality of life of people in need of care by means of arts. Organisations may seek grants for carrying out different types of cultural projects. The Finnish Cultural Foundation also supports significant cultural projects that require more financing than usual.

In 2018, an extra million euros will be awarded for research on sustainable agriculture utilising biological interactions. Among the applicants, three to five projects will be selected which either produce new research data or apply existing data in practice.

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