The Cultural Foundation’s October round of grant applications


The 2019 Central Fund Grants of the Finnish Cultural Foundation are open for application from October 1 to 31 2018. The science grants include an additional funding of one million euros for clinical studies in genome medicine and precision medicine.

In 2019, the Cultural Foundation will award a total of 39,5 million euros in grants, of which 26 million euros in the Central Fund October round of applications. The regional funds will award 12,8 million euros in the January round of applications.

The Central Fund Grant application period is open from October 1 to October 31 2018. Applications can be found at The Online Application Service closes at 4 pm local Finnish time (Eastern European Time) on the deadline date.

Eligible applicants include all Finnish nationals, people and organisations residing or working in Finland. Others are eligible as well, provided their application demonstrates clear, strong ties to Finland or Finnish culture.

Artists may apply for grants for work and project purposes. In addition, organisations may apply for grants to carry out cultural projects. For the first time, games are included in the application as their own field. You may apply for a grant for the artistic design or development of games. The game must have artistic, cultural or social aims.

The science grants are specifically aimed at doctoral dissertation work and post-doctoral scientific research. In the field of science, it is possible to combine salaried employment with grant funding by applying for a Combined Funding for Doctoral Students grant. The annual grant sum for postdoctoral research work will be increased to 30 000 euros – other annual grants will remain at 24 000 euros.

The Eminentia and Art for Institutions grants are open for applications as in the previous years.

Additional funding for medicine

In the 2018 October round of applications, the Finnish Cultural Foundation is granting additional funding of approximately one million euros for clinical studies in genome medicine and precision medicine. The application is open to all branches of medicine, but due to the nature of its donor funds, the Cultural Foundation invites applications particularly in the field of rheumatology. The additional funding will support 1-5 research projects. The funding is granted for a maximum of three years and may be used for the working grants of doctoral or postdoctoral researchers, as well as other research expenses.

Detailed application guidelines and further information on grants can be found at


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