Finnish Cultural Foundation is making available grants totalling 25 million


Grants of the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Central Fund for 2017 will be open for application in October. The Finnish Cultural Foundation will award a total of 37 million euros in grants in 2017. The Central Fund accounts for 25 million and the regional funds for 12 million of this amount.  

Research grants are mainly intended for doctoral studies and for post-doctoral research. Research Workshop grants are the special grants available during this application round. The grants available under joint funding for doctoral students provide an opportunity to combine a grant with an employment relationship.  

In arts, grants are provided for work and a broad range of different projects, and special grants are also available under a scheme aiming to improve the quality of life of people in need of care by means of arts. Organisations may seek grants for carrying out different types of cultural projects and  artists are also encouraged to submit separate applications for grants for work in residential centres.

Finnish Cultural Foundation is changing over to a paperless application process

The applications for grants must be submitted online, at by Monday 31 October. For the first time, the entire application process is paperless, which means that you no longer need to print out your application and send it by mail.  

“In addition to our own officials, nearly one hundred outside experts take part in the evaluation of the applications each year. None of them receives any compensation for their work. Many years ago, we decided that we won’t change over to a paperless application process until a large proportion of our evaluators are prepared to read applications on screen only. This year almost 90 per cent of the arts and science experts announced that they are ready to do it,” explains Juhana Lassila, Director of Cultural Affairs of the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

The grants of the Central Fund will be awarded at the annual gala on 27 February 2017.

You are warmly welcome to attend a grant information briefing in the music hall of the Old Student House (Vanha ylioppilastalo) in Helsinki on Wednesday 12 October at 16:30.

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