Our new website has been launched 10 December 2024
The new website aims to be clear and user-friendly. The development of the site will continue after the launch, and we welcome any feedback.
The Finnish Cultural Foundation’s new website has been launched at skr.fi. The new website is designed to be clearer and easier to use for different user groups. One of the aims was to make it easier for grant applicants and grantees to navigate the site. This is why the sections on grants in particular have been significantly developed.
We also wanted to improve the site’s navigation, visuals and accessibility, as well as to better highlight our topical content.
As a basis for the redesign, we conducted an extensive user survey of the previous skr.fi website. During the construction phase of the new site, we also tested its designed structure with users and gathered feedback on how to improve navigation, among other things. Our partner in the website renewal has been Redandblue.
The development of the site will continue after the launch. Content will be added, especially in English, many details will be fine-tuned and further development projects will be launched. Other language versions will also be added in the future.
Now that the site is live, we welcome feedback from users on all aspects of the site: new solutions, texts, visuals and overall functionality. We also very welcome any observations about any bugs, errors or problems with the site.
Feedback can be sent to tiedotus@skr.fi. If you have feedback about a specific page, please include the URL address in your email.