The Finnish Cultural Foundation has released around EUR 1 million in additional funding earmarked for research concerning the energy market of the future and/or the technology revolution.

This grant is not open for application in October 2020.

Who can apply

Applications will be accepted from all fields of science and economics, as well as interdisciplinary projects.

In research related to technical sciences and economics it is beneficial if the research team comprises a diverse group of people from the worlds of academia, research institutions and business. Applications may be made in the name of teams of several researchers, but not entire universities or research institutions.

What can you do with the grant?

Funding is earmarked for research concerning the energy market of the future and/or the technology revolution. Funding may be used to cover doctoral or post-doc researchers’ working grants, as well as other costs arising from the research.


Applications may also be made by a research team leader on behalf of the rest of the team – i.e. the signatory of the application does not have to be one of the grant recipients.

Funding will be awarded to between one and five research projects. A research proposal in Finnish or English may be appended to the application, but the abstract (summary) on the application form must be in Finnish. In the Online Application Service the applicant must select "additional funding for 1 million euros".