Finnish Cultural Foundation has 17 regional funds. They support work conducted in the field of culture within their region by awarding grants and prizes once a year.

Applications close at 4 pm Finnish time on the last day of the application period.

Application period

The application period for regional fund grants is open from 20 January to 7 February. The application period ends at 4 pm Finnish time (EET) on the deadline day.

The grant decisions will be announced to the applicants between March and May. The regional funds and their homepages have further information on the decision timetables.

Eligible Applicants

The Regional Funds award grants to applicants residing or born in the region, for scientific or artistic work taking place in or focused on the region, and various cultural projects.

Types of Grants

The grants of the regional fund January application round are divided into working and expenditure grants. They are introduced in the Application Guidelines for Grants. Special purpose grants in the January round of applications comprise of projects focusing on the local culture, Art for Everyone grants and Spearhead grants that are awarded annually for larger than customary projects. The regions may have their own special purpose grants.

Grant Guidelines

Familiarize yourself well in advance with the Application Guidelines for Grants as well as any special characteristics of the regional funds, or possible special targets on the homepages of the regional funds.

Central Finland Grants
Central Ostrobothnia Grants
Häme Grants
Kainuu Grants
Kymenlaakso Grants
Lapland Grants
North Karelia Grants
North Ostrobothnia Grants
North Savo Grants
Pirkanmaa Grants
Päijät-Häme Grants
Satakunta Grants
South Karelia Grants
South Ostrobothnia Grants
South Savo Grants
Uusimaa Grants
Varsinais-Suomi Grants